Inter-Faith Council for Social Service

Changes at the IFC

To: IFC Staff, Volunteers and Supporters

From: The IFC Board of Directors

Re: Chris Moran's Retirement

After almost 30 years of service to the Inter-Faith Council for Social Service (IFC), 17 as its first full-time Executive Director, and following time for reflection after a recent health scare and time away on medical leave, Chris has notified the Board of Directors of the IFC that the time for his retirement has come. He requested the Board's permission to seek the conclusion of his term as Executive Director effective July 1, 2013. With regrets and heaviness, the Board of Directors has accepted Chris' resignation and retirement.

Among Chris' many accomplishments are the development of Project HomeStart for homeless women and children; the new Community House for homeless men; the proposed FoodFirst to combine the Community Kitchen & the Food Pantry and the Robert Nixon Free Clinic for the Homeless, which now includes a mental health clinic. As a partner agency of the United Way of the Greater Triangle, Chris pushed the IFC to achieve the Agency of Excellence designation. Chris has guided the IFC through good economic times and bad, always seeking services and funds for those in need.

Chris and the IFC continue to join together in support of the IFC and of the capital campaign to make the new Community House a reality. John Dorward, the Associate Director, will serve as the Interim Executive Director while a search is competed for the IFC's second Executive Director. For over 10 years, John and Chris have worked together to address the needs of the poor and marginalized in our community. With the acknowledgment that Chris has left big shoes to fill, the IFC is ready for the challenge of continuing to serve our community.