Inter-Faith Council for Social Service


Community House

IFC SECU Community House is a 24-hour shelter for men experiencing homelessness. In keeping with IFC’s belief that everyone deserves dignified and affordable housing, we provide a safe, temporary home until residents obtain permanent housing.  We assist residents in connecting to appropriate community resources for finding housing as soon as possible, as well as other resources.  In partnership with Piedmont Health, we offer healthcare to residents. 

During cold weather season, IFC provides as much temporary overnight shelter as our buildings may safely accommodate. Individuals seeking cold weather shelter may access a spot by calling IFC's main number at (919) 929-6380 . Press x3000 for Community House shelter for men (or x4000 for HomeStart shelter for women and families).

Cold weather guests should arrive between 7pm and 9pm and need to depart in the morning by 9am. Dinner and continental breakfast are provided.

If you are experiencing homelessness and need information about admission to Community House, please call the Orange County Housing Helpline at 919-245-2655.  To speak to the Community House staff person on duty, call 919.929.6380 x3000.


2018 Good Neighbor Plan Updates

September 21, 2018:

August 8, 2018:

May 23, 2018:

Community House Advisory Committee