Inter-Faith Council for Social Service

Community House Advisory Committee

When the Town of Chapel Hill approved a Special Use Permit for the new Inter-Faith Council @ SECU Community House, they included a provision that IFC consult with neighbors to prepare a Good Neighbor Plan (GNP) and also convene a standing Community House Advisory Committee (CHAC) when the new facility opens in summer of 2015.

CHAC’s primary purpose is to serve as a liaison between the IFC and our IFC @ SECU Community House neighbors.  To fulfill this role, the CHAC will develop a process for receiving inquiries, concerns and complaints and will also work with the IFC’s Residential Services Director to make sure the responses are timely and transparent. Based on the earlier GNP advisory committee meetings, IFC anticipates concerns about reporting requirements, safety and security, and emergency shelter operations will receive regular attention.

The CHAC will also present quarterly reports to the Town Council and the IFC Board of Directors about the GNP’s implementation. Given these responsibilities, IFC leadership plans to convene CHAC meetings beginning in January 2015. This early start will provide CHAC members adequate time for orientation and planning as they prepare to take on their important civic role. CHAC will also co-sponsor the first annual IFC @ SECU Community House Open House which will coincide with its Grand Opening, expected in summer of 2015.

In July 2014 IFC Executive Director John Dorward invited all 21 GNP advisory committee members to join the CHAC, including eleven nearby neighbors. As of August 28, nine persons have agreed to serve on the committee including representatives of UNC-Chapel Hill, the Town of Chapel Hill, United Church of Chapel Hill and Orange County; as well as representatives from two social service agencies, another nearby congregation and a local business. One neighbor who served on the GNP advisory committee has also agreed to serve on the CHAC and another is considering our invitation.

For more information about the GNP and CHAC, you may find these materials helpful: