Inter-Faith Council for Social Service

Welcome to IFC's new website!

The Inter-Faith Council for Social Service has a new website! We hope you find it easier to navigate than our previous website, the only design we ever had which hadn’t had a major overhaul since its creation. This is still a work in progress. Please send your comments or suggestions to Elizabeth at

In 1963, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. made his famous "I Have a Dream" speech at the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom. That same year in Chapel Hill a group of seven church women decided to unite their volunteer efforts to address the economic disparity between the circumstances of the well-favored, mostly white families and the marginalized, mostly African American families.

We have come a long way since those days of racial segregation, but poverty still exists in our midst and the IFC works every day to attend to the basic needs of our community. In recent years the Great Recession took its toll on local households and businesses. Homes were lost to the mortgage crisis, the cost of living skyrocketed, workers were laid off. Hunger and homelessness increased as a result. The IFC is looking forward to the next 50 years of providing critical safety-net services to Chapel Hill and Carrboro residents who need a helping hand.

Please continue to visit us to keep abreast of our golden anniversary celebrations.