Inter-Faith Council for Social Service

New Community House Groundbreaking

For most of us, the comfort provided by our home is something we take for granted. Unfortunately, the same can't be said for those who are homeless. For these members of our community, the lack of a home has an impact on every aspect of their lives.

For over 50 years, the IFC has helped members of our community struggling with homelessness, hunger and economic hardships. IFC--working in collaboration with community partners, congregations and volunteers--has been the leader in helping individuals and families in Orange County get a new start when facing hard times. When community members are facing poverty, unemployment, food insecurity and homelessness, they know that they can turn to the IFC for support and services.

Yet, throughout IFC's history, the agency has lacked a proper home to serve homeless men in our community. The exciting news is that is about to change! Thanks to the efforts of countless community leaders and a site made available by the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, the IFC is poised to create the new Community House which will transform the lives of men in our community.

You are invited to attend the Groundbreaking Ceremony for the New Community House on  Monday, May 5, 2014 at 8:00 am at 1315 Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd. A continental breakfast will be served at the United Church immediately following the ceremony. Please RSVP at if you plan to attend.

The new Community House will help break the cycle of homelessness for men in the Chapel Hill-Carrboro community and return program graduates to fully independent and productive lives.

Program residents at Community House will receive safe and secure housing, medical attention, counseling and educational opportunities so they can return to productive and independent lives. We are on schedule for the new Community House Transitional Housing Program to open its doors in the spring of 2015!